About Me

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United States
Scottish Born (Glasgow), USA bred (Brick NJ). Now living and NOT working in San Francisco. I'm a Daughter, a Sister, a Godmother,and a Friend. Volunteer, Traveler, Music & Theatre lover, and an avid Book Reader....oh yeah, and a Recruiter!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Kids ARE Work!!!

Today I took care of Juan for the day...I am exhausted!!! I didn't get to apply to any jobs, instead I took three buses to and from an indoor play space, played race cars and colored...made for an interesting change of pace for sure!!  I have my big interview tomorrow and I prepared tonight, got a quick manicure and picked what I am going to wear. I am excited and nervous because as much as I'd like to think I have all of the qualifications for this job, there are probably 5 others who think the same thing.  So all I can do is my best and pray that my job search will be over soon.

Those people in the world that say that motherhood and/or taking care of kids is not a REAL job are CRAZY!!! I have done it before but the older Juan gets and the more attention he needs I realize just how tough mothers have it! I dedicate this post to all you mothers..my friends especially, that work full-time jobs and take such great care of your children.  I hope that one day I do as good a job as you do.

And to my own mother, you always worked so hard to provide for us....I don't know how you did it... you inspire me!! <3


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