About Me

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United States
Scottish Born (Glasgow), USA bred (Brick NJ). Now living and NOT working in San Francisco. I'm a Daughter, a Sister, a Godmother,and a Friend. Volunteer, Traveler, Music & Theatre lover, and an avid Book Reader....oh yeah, and a Recruiter!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Work Ethic

I am really missing work this week. Writing has given me a little bit of purpose back and I am realizing just how much I miss being a productive member of the workforce! My parents (my mum especially) instilled in my brother and I a very strong work ethic from a very young age. We had to earn our own pocket money if we wanted things above and beyond what she could provide for us, and David and I never had a problem doing that.  We always had chores (those of you who have known us since High School will recall the chore chart on our fridge), and we always had a part-time job.  But it wasn't just us, my whole family is hardworking. (I can only think of one cousin who isn't), maybe it's a Scottish thing :)

My first job in the US was the summer after 8th grade at a little food hut on the beach, we both worked there. The owner if I remember correctly was someone my dad knew. I also babysat for my little cousins (Ian, Lindsay, J.D).  In High School through College I worked mostly retail at Marshalls, a Tuxedo Store (again with David), I did some waitressing at a restaurant owned by a family friend of my mums. I also started working at Bank when I left college which ended up being my career path for about 11 years both in NJ and California. Even when I started working Full-Time at the Banks, for a long time, I always had a second job either in retail or at a restaurant.  Needless to say, having no work right now is a strange feeling for me.

I miss working.  But I also miss the perks of working. Of course I miss having a good income, but I also miss being able to do the selfish things too. For example:
Manicures and Pedicures (I would get a manicure every week/Pedi every other week)
Happy Hours in downtown SF (it was networking!!!)
Being able to be spontaneous and just go out to eat at the drop of a phone call from a friend.
I even miss commuting downtown!!
These and countless other little things I took for granted never once thinking I would find myself in the situation I am in now. I can't wait to get back to work and just have somewhere to go every morning. 

Still, I know I am lucky to have a roof over my head, and a bus pass to go do my interviews and food in my fridge. I have the support of my family and friends and when I look at what happened in Japan today, I think "There but for the Grace of God...". 
I am thankful for what I do have, and I know that with the same work ethic, I can find my next job.


PS. We do have a Tsunami warning here on the West Coast and SF in particular.  Waves are supposed to hit at 8am (its 7:57am at the moment).  I live on the 3rd floor of a building about 25 blocks from Ocean Beach.  I should be okay!!

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