About Me

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United States
Scottish Born (Glasgow), USA bred (Brick NJ). Now living and NOT working in San Francisco. I'm a Daughter, a Sister, a Godmother,and a Friend. Volunteer, Traveler, Music & Theatre lover, and an avid Book Reader....oh yeah, and a Recruiter!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Frustration Level....


I haven't posted all week because there isn't much to tell and I don't want to be repetitive and bore you all to death!

It's been a normal week of applying to positions...nothing exciting there.  I decided to write a quick email to the Bank and although I got a response... it wasn't an answer.  They just said that they are still interviewing and they should know more in TWO weeks!!  I don't know if that is good or bad...but either way...it still leaves me unemployed.

I applied to a couple more babysitting jobs and my lovely friend Laura recommended me to another family and although I couldn't help them this time around I hope to in the future.  I have 2 Saturdays this month booked to babysit for Laura's two lovely little girls and of course have my once a week with Juan.  I love watching these kids and I am grateful for the extra money in my pocket!!

Other than that...nothing new. Oh, I made an appointment with the counselor at City College.  The earliest I could get was the last week of this month.

I feel a little down this week. (Can you tell!!??).  I am finding being unemployed this long so incredibly frustrating. I would love to do another volunteer vacation in India with Udayan Care...but I obviously don't have the money....what I do have the time...LOTS of time...and the worst is, when I do have the money...I won't have the time!!! I even looked up if there where some sort of grants or sponsored vacations to do this type of trip but couldn't find anything that would apply.

So, that is the update for mid-week...should anything exciting happen I will be sure to let you all know!!


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